Model-Based Systems Engineering,
a new development approach

Since its foundation in 2015, ROSAS competence center is providing expertise in the field of safety and reliability to a wide range of industrial fields. This unique positioning between industrial and academic worlds provides the perfect environment to support companies in optimizing their product development and facilitating their innovation process.
This situation has made possible the development of Model-Based Systems Engineering competences, through completed collaborative projects like MIL-Teb and SysRO, in order to be able to use them on industrial projects. According to INCOSE, the Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is the formalized technique of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification and validation activities, beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases. Regarding safety, the traditional approach is to manually perform the analysis while the technical system is being defined. However, this technique requires advanced knowledge of the system by the development engineer to ensure the quality of the results and is highly labor intensive. The integration of MBSE and MBSA (Model-Based Safety Analysis) allows to identify earlier in the concept phase the critical, and in many cases safety-related, design aspects and to perform automated safety analyses. ROSAS covers optimally this domain and can already demonstrate its competences by a number of concrete use-cases. For instance, one of the last projects aimed to integrate the nominal and faulty behavior of a product into one single model and simulate it to in order to avoid design modifications at a later stage of the development process. MBSE aims to connect all involved company departments, not only engineering. With this approach, ROSAS developed a model-based tool to connect sales and engineering around a single source of truth used by both parties.
The following video illustrates the collaboration between Meggitt and ROSAS: