PICC involved
in 3 European Projects

In 2016 two European projects have been accepted and a further one has reached the second round where PICC plays the role of a key partner. One project is shortly outlined here.
The funding of two European projects carried out within the PICC have been agreed in 2016. There are the projects entitled « Super-Moulds EUREKA - Advanced surface treatments for superior plastic injection moulds » and « Horizon2020 Biosmart – Bio-based Smart Packaging for Enhanced Preservation of Food Quality ». A further one entitled « Horizon 2020 MarketPlace – Materials Modelling Marketplace for Increased Industrial Inovation» has reached the second round or the project assessment where PICC plays the role of a key partner. The Super-Moulds EUREKA project is shortly outlined here.
The ongoing Super-Moulds EUREKA project is a collaboration of seven Danish and three Swiss partners and focuses on the optimization of the mould surface treatment. Demoulding of complexe plastic parts is complicated by sticking and high friction between the polymer and the mould surface resulting in long cooling times to avoid deformation, process interruptions due to cleaning and reduced mould life. The aim of this project is to tailor mould surface coatings and textures towards superior slip properties for different commercial plastic types. The developed solution targets a potential productivity increase of up to 50 % and a doubling of the service life without compromising the product quality.
Project Leader :
Prof. Dr Stefan Hengsberger
Project Partners :
Danish Tribology Institute
Novo Nordisk
SP Moulding
Winther Mould Technology
Danish National Metrology Institute
The Danish Plastics Federation
Switzerland :
Institute for Applied Plastics Research (iRAP)
Georg Fischer Machining Solutions