
Digitalization changes the current IP management and the use of digital data


The results of the Go-DIP project funded under the European Framework Programm Horizon 2020 were published in the form of a Design Option Paper this spring. INNOSQUARE participated as a partner in this project on managing digital IP in manufacturing SMEs digitalization processes. Michael Keller (MK), involved in the realization of the Go-DIP project, answered our questions:

Was the peer learning experience with the Slovenian and Italian partners (Institut Jozef Stefan – IJS and Hub Innovazione Trentino - HIT) beneficial for INNOSQUARE?

MK : For us at INNOSQUARE, the experience was extremely fruitful. We are working with SMEs on a daily basis and are aware of the challenges that IP issues related to digital assets and data pose to them. The world of data-driven business models can appear appealing and daunting at the same time to many companies. Rules and regulations in the field are evolving rapidly, grey zones still abundant and good practices hard to spot. It was all the more crucial to team up with HIT and IJS to get access to critical expertise in the field.

Were the companies that testified during the workshop organized by INNOSQUARE able to exploit good practices?

MK: Joining forces with European partners indeed allowed us to form a pool of experts from different horizons (legal, business, technical) that we could connect to our stakeholders, the companies active in the canton of Fribourg. The workshop provided a platform to tap into this expertise, to directly exchange with the experts and to directly solve some concrete issues. Companies e.g. had the occasion to discover a brand-new IP diagnostics tool developed at WIPO in real time and to discuss data-related legal challenges ranging from trademark registration in international contexts to ownership questions for smart algorithms.

The SME experience with data-driven innovation collected during the Go-DIP project has shown that critical issues are identified at the level of data ownership. Concretely what forms of support regarding the data ownership do SMEs need?

MK: The case often arises in which users own their data, but OEMs or integrators, for their part, have an interest in extending their domain of data ownership by combining end user data with their own data. This generates a complex situation between involved actors and interested parties and potential conflicts in the drafting of contracts. The final outcome of the Go-DIP project, a so-called Design Option Paper (DOP), contains a decision tree proposing a simple approach based on the lessons learned during the project. This tool allows to define the business case in question and to follow the decision tree down to the characteristics for which SMEs require decision support, such as data management, GDPR compliance and implementation.

Go-DIP Design Option Paper :

Rédaction : Pascal Bovet Photo : iStock